Taking care of the planet
and the people

to perpetuate life

Software Socio-environmental

The programs implemented by Preserve Brazil They are based on studies, research, reports, statistics and/or estimates from intergovernmental, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and are divided into the following macro areas of human, social and environmental sciences:


The programs Biomes of Brazil It is Brazil's springs were designed to operate in the main natural ecosystems and Brazilian river basins, in accordance with the promotion of projects for the recovery, protection, conservation and preservation of fauna, flora and water sources.

Human development

The programs Acqua Green, Illuminate It is Green Crafts were designed to operate in regions with a low human development index – HDI, with a view to combating and eradicating poverty and inequality, by transforming lives on the margins of progress, human dignity and social well-being, invariably unassisted by public policies in areas essential to life.

Actions for the life

The socio-environmental projects and actions developed by Preserve Brazil aim to generate coordinated and highly convergent results for society, in order to meet the premises planned in its scope: locations, destination, extension, scope and results (social dividends).

Visa mitigate the effects of global warming associated with human actions, strengthen resilience and improve adaptation skills to climate impacts for this century and the future, and also, boost the socioeconomic development of isolated families and communities, at the margins of human dignity and society.

According to initiatives in favor of humanity, it incorporates green and socially responsible certifications and technologies, with a view to environmental and social reach and impacts.