Preserving life

In all its forms

Areas of expertise

In Defense of Life

A Preserve Brazil works in defense of life, carrying out projects related to climate, biodiversity and the sustainable use of natural resources, by promoting sustainability (environmental, economic and social insertion), in response to humanity’s greatest challenges.

Committed to achieving the socio-environmental results of its projects linked to the protection, conservation and preservation of the environment and the socioeconomic development of vulnerable populations, the Preserve Brazil lean on us UN Sustainable Development Goals, incorporating the precepts on treaties and agreements, in relation to the best practices of environmental and social conduct, even if there is no legal obligation.

Preservation of Fauna and Flora

Defense and Conservation of Biodiversity


Defense and preservation of natural ecosystems and their biodiversity, based on actions to encourage the creation and maintenance of conservation units of full protection and sustainable use, with different management objectives and types of use, in areas recognized for their importance and/or their heritage Natural.

Its projects aim to promote environmental heritage and awaken awareness socio-environmental awareness, in particular, through public visits to conservation units, and the purpose of promoting the defense and preservation of Brazilian biomes, in order to make their conservation compatible with the sustainable use of its resources.

Conservation of Water Resources

Preservation and Protection of Water Resources

Protection and conservation of water sources, through actions to protect and recover springs and rivers, in regions of stress or water scarcity and in critical areas for the production and conservation of water. It incorporates the best practices for the rational use of water and the prevention and defense against hydrological events (rains, droughts and floods), whether natural or resulting from the misuse of natural resources.

Its projects aim to restore the soil and riparian forests in Permanent Protection Areas (APPs), on the banks of rivers and other bodies of water in important Brazilian river basins, and the purpose of promoting the defense and conservation of water resources , so that ensure the availability of quality water to present and future generations.

Accessibility to Drinking Water

Dignity and Quality of Life

Defense and relief of isolated populations without access to drinking water and sewage treatment, from the capture and storage of underground water (by solar pumping), suitable for human consumption and irrigation, and the implementation of ecological bathrooms.

Its projects aim to provide families and communities with access to sanitation and the sustainable use, management and conservation techniques soil and water, enabling food production in regions with low productivity or unsuitable for the development of family farming.

Accessibility to Clean and Renewable Energy

Developing Sustainable Communities

Areas of expertise

Support and defense of isolated populations without energy assistance, based on the decentralized electrification of homes, through integrated electrical energy generation and storage systems.

Its projects aim to provide families and communities with access to generation of your own energy, from clean and renewable sources, allowing lighting, food refrigeration and ecological cooking.

Generation of Work and Income

Socioeconomic Insertion

Support and promotion of isolated populations unassisted with decent work and income, through encouraging learning, production and commercialization of artisanal products, which value job creation, sustainability and the circular economy.

Its projects aim to boost the inclusive and sustainable economic growth of families and communities on the margins of human dignity and social well-being, invariably in situations of personal or social risk or vulnerability.